“Digitalisation encompasses a wide range of activities, from digitising paper documents and records to automating business processes using software and other digital tools. It can also involve the development of new digital products and services that leverage the power of emerging technologies.”

Defining digitalisation

The overall objective of DigiRoot is to help small and medium-sized European grassroots sport clubs in adopting digital technology to improve their operations, increase efficiency, and support their long-term sustainability.

Grassroots sport clubs are a crucial part of the European sports landscape, contributing to individual and community well-being, social integration, health, social cohesion and economic development. However, majority of these clubs are lagging in terms of digitalization.

The low level of digitalisation in grassroot sport clubs can be attributed to lack of resources, lack of information, shortage of employees with IT and digitalisation knowledge, amongst other factors. As many grassroots clubs lack the resources and knowledge to manage the digitalisation process,

DigiRoot aims to bridge this gap by providing a comprehensive Learning and Digital Resources Platform (DigiRoot Platform) customised to the general needs of these clubs. The platform is designed to support sports clubs in their digitalisation efforts by providing educational courses, review of software solutions, and guidance on best practices for building a robust IT/digitalisation architecture. The project will scout innovative solutions that can be integrated into the platform and will facilitate knowledge sharing and best practices between different sport clubs and organisations. Also, it will foster collaboration by encouraging networking and collaboration between sport clubs and tech companies to develop customised solutions that meet the unique needs of the clubs.

Also check out our project deliverables